Friday, July 19, 2013

I lost 28 pounds in 3 months! - Health, Fitness, and Sports

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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Joined: Jul 19, 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:24 am?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

Really nice, try to keep a healthy diet, and dont get into "Oh, now I have lost so much, I can now eat more again." and keep on going your way. Smile

I try to avoid empty calories, so pure refined fat or carbohydrates, like refined sugar, white noodles, rice and so on. So everything that has lots of calories, but nearly no useful nutrition, while I dont mind calories that provide useful nutrition, like whole grain bread or avocado fat. I try to avoid, chemical stuff like taste enhancer, glutamat, diet products, because of them causing hunger feelings. I just care, that it isnt to much. Additional I do some stretching and gymnastics at home, and when we dont have snow I like to bicylce a lot or go for walks and hiking. Smile

I also allow myself to eat a bit more or heavier from now and then, but combine it with sports. So there is a real good butcher, where I buy marinated steaks once a month, but he lives about 1 hour of bicyle driving through mountain area away, so when I got there and back, I dont need to have bad thoughts about eating that steaks. XD

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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

Joined: Aug 04, 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:34 am?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

Great! Well done!

Unfortunately, I have been doing very badly on the weight loss front, but haven't gained either - I like working out at home using weights, but I think the time has come for me to enlist some outside help.

I'm moving to another country in the next three months, so I've decided to just stick to maintaining my weight for now and then hiring a personal trainer when I get there. I also want to take classes - preferably in martial arts, but I also like the idea of doing adult ballet classes - we'll see which is more accessible on day 1 Smile

Keep it up, and make sure you keep your fitness levels up!

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exclamation mark!

Joined: Apr 25, 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:32 am?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

I've gone from 175lbs to 150 in 4 months. Not as fast a loss as you (and I've still got another 20lbs to go - with my frame, I don't really want to be much under 130lbs) but then I haven't been doing cardio - just toning muscle with stretches and weights. The only cardio I get is dancing in nightclubs (unless masturbation counts as cardio Laughing ) I know it's a slow weight loss, but I'm just glad the weight is actually coming off at all.

Whatever I burn off in the nightclubs (and I really dance for hours) I probably put back on by drinking alcohol (because alcohol is so fattening.) At least I get the mood boost, I guess.

I do something like a 5-2 fast, but not quite. I eat about 1,500 cals most days but I have a couple of days a week where I'll eat about 700. I couldn't do the 5-2 because I find it bloody hard to only eat 500 cals or less a day.

I might take up judo soon. I hate doing cardio in the gyms so much, and my ankles aren't what they used to be for hiking. I figure martial arts is the best bet right now.
I'm written in a language even I don't understand - but I am learning.

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